Fleet Vehicle Information & Procedures

Instructions and procedures regarding vehicle purchasing, driving, gas cards, fuel reports and accident instructions.

Purchasing a Vehicle

Procedures for operating a vehicle including purchasing a vehicle, mileage logs, and accident reporting are contained in UPPS 05.05.03. Fleet Management Plan.

Vehicle Purchase/Replacement Request form (Attachment I in Fleet Management Plan). Submit signed form to the Fleet Manager at fleetmgmt@txstate.edu for processing.

Driving a University Vehicle

All personnel who drive University Vehicles are required to have a drivers license check prior to driving. We have the ability to check Driver Records over the internet. Policies concerning driving a University Vehicle are outlined in UPPS 05.05.02, Driver Selection.

The Facilities Department has created a step-by-step video demonstration on how to submit a driver request (employees only). Non-employee drivers, e.g., non-employed student, volunteer, or visitor will process driving requests through their sponsoring department vehicle coordinator or department head.

Fleet Gas Cards

Facilities Management oversees the State Gas Card program at Texas State-University. Personnel using state gas cards must have a PIN loaded in the Fleet Gas Card system. This is provided to you upon completion of the Become a Driver module in SAP.

Fleet Fuel Report

You can access your fuel expenses report by logging into AiM (AiM log in page). This report details transactions for your Vehicle Fuel Work Order within a specific date range, typically from the 24th of one month to the 24th of the next.

Once logged into AiM, run a report from this link, or use the following steps to Run the Report:

  1. Log in to AiM. (AiM log in page)
  2. From the AiM Work Desk, navigate to Menu > Work Management > Work Order.
  3. Select 192-WO/PHASE FUEL TRANS V under Report Listing.
  4. In the Report Window:
    • Enter your Fuel Work Order number (e.g., 25-000137)
    • Input the Start Date (e.g., 09/24/2024).
    • Input the End Date (e.g., 10/24/2024).
  5. Click OK. The report will display in PDF format, where you can choose to print or save it.

Accident Procedures

Note: An accident occurs any time a vehicle strikes another vehicle, a fixed object, or a pedestrian, regardless of the extent of the damage or injury. ALL accidents MUST be reported to UPD and/or local police.

  1. Stop immediately and determine damage
  2. If possible, avoid obstructing traffic
  3. Render aid to the injured. In case of emergency, dial 911.
  4. Report the accident:
    1. If the accident occurs on campus property, contact Texas State University Police Department at (512) 245-2805 (dispatch, non-emergency)
    2. If the accident occurs off-campus, contact San Marcos Police Department at (512) 753-2108 (dispatch, non-emergency)
    3. All accidents must be reported to Facilities Management at(512) 245-2518
  5. Complete Accident Report form and give to supervisor

  • Make no statement to anyone except:
    • Police officer, and/or
    • Insurance company representative
  • Make no settlements
  • Do not argue about the accident
  • If the accident involves an unattended vehicle or fixed object, try to notify the owner; leave a note on the vehicle or object
  • Download and print the Post Accident Instructions