Campus Trees
Campus Tree Advisory Committee
- Chair: Nathan Lawrence, Director, Grounds & Waste Management
- Tina Cade, Professor, Agriculture Department
- Kelly Eby, Urban Forester, City of San Marcos
- Kyle Estes, Associate Director, Housing and Residential Life
- Joel Soto, Assistant Director, Facilities Operations
- Joe Kipp, Coordinator, Campus Recreation
- Sally Amaye, Graduate Student
- David Lemke, Professor, Biology Department
- TBN, Undergraduate Student
Tree Plan
Tree Campus USA - Class of 2014
To obtain this distinction, Texas State University has met the five core standards for sustainable campus forestry required by Tree Campus USA, including the establishment of a tree advisory committee, evidence of a campus tree-care plan, dedicated annual expenditures for its campus tree program, an Arbor Day observance and the sponsorship of student service-learning projects.
From Gretchen Riley, Partnership Coordinator, Texas A&M Forest Service on our 2014 Tree Campus USA approval.
Your application for your 2014 recertification as a Tree Campus USA has been approved. A lot of work goes into seeking and maintaining the designation and we applaud your effort. Recognizing and encouraging the benefits of trees makes your campus and a better community for learning. Thank you!
State Champion Trees
- Locate and recognize the largest known species of its kind that grow in the State of Texas
- Obtain the cooperation of tree owners to protect and preserve these specimens as landmarks for future generations to enjoy
- Stimulate interest in and a greater appreciation of trees -- their worth as a natural resource and as individual specimens
The Texas State campus is the home of a champion Chinese pistache (Pistacia chinensis) and a champion Shumard oak (Quercus shumardii). The Chinese pistache is located in the 1300 block of Academy Street. The Shumard oak is located in the 600 block of University Drive near the JC Kellam Administration building.
Related Links & Additional Information
Texas State Tree Campus USA Arbor Day
Texas State University has been recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation and Toyota as a Tree Campus USA school in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, & 2020.